NISSHO Environmental Policy

Basic principle

Recognizing that the environmental preservation is one of the greatest challenges of our time, we are going to fulfill our social responsibility commitments by promoting environmental preservation and contributing effectually toward building the recycling-based society through our business activities.


Considering the environmental preservation,we will provide products and services to fulfill our social responsibility commitments.

  1. We will continuously enhance our environmental performance by adopting the environmental management system and engage in prevention of contamination.
  2. We will observe the legal requirements and other requirements agreed upon by us.
  3. We will make ever effort to promote resource conservation, energy saving and recycling activities, reduce industrial waste and minimize the materials with environmental burden. Also, we will offer proposals in a timely manner by procuring environmentally friendly products and collecting useful information through our Three-New Activities, that is, the activities aiming to develop "new" products, create "new" application and generate "new" demand.
  4. We aim to reduce:
    • The industrial waste
    • The remaining stock

August 1,2016

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